Saturday, May 17, 2014

Week 16: Burp Rags, Burp Rags, and More Burp Rags!

So I am a few weeks late in updating my blog....oops!  Travel in April for work was crazy busy taking me to the Quad Cities, St. Louis, and Houston within a 3 week time period, and I was able to get up to Des Moines for a day as well to see family and friends.   Now I finally have a couple weeks to breathe easy back in Kansas City!  Just in time to enjoy the heart of spring too :)

This week's post shows all of the burp rags I've made for people who either have recently had a baby or are expecting.  It was fun to pick out the fabric and was also nice to use some of the fabric I had leftover from other projects over the past few months.

I explained in detail how I make the burp rags back in my Week 6 post, so this week's post will only show the pictures I took along the way.  Because I've made these so much, it only took me a few hours on a weekend afternoon to complete these.

First I laid out all of my fabric and the related burp rags to match up which ones coordinated best with each other.

Next I laid out all of the colored cloth diapers.  I am pretty excited that I found out Walmart now carries colored fabrics!  Jo-Ann's was the only place I could find them, and the closest Jo-Ann's is a good 20-25 minute drive from my house. Walmart is only 5 mins from my office so that was good to know.

I've used this fabric before but I was happy to have more of it as I just love this pattern!

Here are some of the finished products.  The rags on the left are for my friend expecting a baby boy this summer.  Her and her husband are sports enthusiasts so I thought they would like the sports theme.

The rags in the middle were for a friend of a friend who like camouflage and sports and are having a baby boy.  I couldn't find any real camo fabric at the fabric store so I opted for a more natural camo pattern.

And the rags on the end are for one of Jake's friends who just had triplets! And yes just saying the word makes me tired!  :) They had 2 girls and a boy so I thought I would give them 2 of each kind.

Another look at them all!  This is such an easy and useful (from what I've been told) gift for a new or expecting parent.  I'm sure this won't be my last time making them!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pattern on the light pink rag. And yes, these are GREAT gifts!
