Monday, May 26, 2014

Week 21: Boppy Baby Pillow Cover

Following my Week 20 post, this week I made a pillow cover for my sister-in-law's Boppy pillow that was large enough to set both twins in at one time!

There is no cover to use as a pattern so all I had was this pillow to work with for this project:

I found some beautiful red and turquoise rose pattern at the fabric store and knew right away I wanted to do something with those colors.  I was kind of surprised there were not that many fabrics with these colors, but I tried to find some that I thought would look good together.   I got 1/8 yard of all the fabrics except the rose patterns, which I got 1/4 yard of each.

Following the same patchwork method I do for the baby quilts, I created 2 rectangular large patch-worked pieces.  When I realized I was a little short on fabric, I went out and bought 1 more color of fabric, which was red with little white hearts on it.

I forgot to take a lot of pictures of these next steps, but i laid the 2 rectangles with the right-side facing the pillow and pinned around the pillow.  I traced around the pins with a pencil, and took the pins out of one side so I could take the pillow out of the un-sewn front and back pieces to sew them together.

Next I flipped the sewn cover to be right-side out and put the cover back in it.

I made this cover before the other 2 boppy covers, so instead of just figuring out the zipper I decided to use velcro to make this cover removable so Christin could wash it.   I sewed the velcro to both sides of the "flaps" and here's how the opening ended up looking:

And here's the finished cover with the pillow in it:

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