Saturday, May 17, 2014

Week 19: Spring Yard Flowers!!!

I wasn't going to initially include this as a post BUT I did spend an afternoon potting flowers for our front and back porches and Jake spent a day cleaning out the planter and pots full of dead herbs grass from the area where we wanted to plant some veggies.  And I also wanted to show everyone how pretty all the flowers in our yard are!

First Jake and I headed to Home Depot and bought a bunch of flowers for the different areas of our yard (full sun, part sun, shade (front porch)).  Next I gathered all the planters, purchased flowers, and potting soil all in one place to see what I wanted to go with each other.

This doesn't seem like a lot of flowers, but it actually took awhile to clean out the planters that were still occupied with last year's flowers and to get the flowers out of that crappy plastic container they come in without ripping them to shreds!

The good thing about me not posting this post right when I initially planted the flowers is that in the month that they've been blooming everything in our yard has been changing so much and I've been taking pictures along the way.

Here are some pictures of all the potted plants:


Right away:

1 month later:

First planted (and before we took out the old herbs in the orange planter):

1 mo. later and with mint in the orange planter:

Right away: 

 One month later:

Here are some other pictures of the beautiful tree in our front yard.  I really loved the few weeks when it flowered so pretty!


And many other flower/plant pictures:







I have to say I am so happy these bushes are all over. We had some in Minneapolis and they are so pretty when bloomed.  I also caught Harley in his usual spot.  You might notice the large hole he's dug for himself next to the fence!  But I can't complain too much since that's the only spot he really digs.  The picture on the right is Harley showing off his favorite pastime....laying out in the sun!


Here is our herb garden.  We planted herbs we like to use a lot when cooking such as cilantro, mint, basil, and parsley.  



And last but not least, our veggie garden where we planted 2 varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, and red peppers: 

Now let's see if we can manage to keep this stuff alive and not kill all the potted plants, herbs, and vegetables! :) 

I also forgot that I wanted to share some pictures from the beautiful tulip garden at Loose Park near our house.  So many people around our area had tulips this spring and they were really beautiful to look at.

And a pic of Harley and I enjoying his 2nd favorite pastime, going for a walk!

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