Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Week 15: Stuffed Easter Bunny

First of all I just want to say that I am happy spring is here!  Here's a picture of me and my dog Harley who loves to get his belly rubbed!

I wanted to think of something fun to send my nieces for Easter and Spring, and came across what appeared to be an easy tutorial to make a stuffed bunny.

I scoured through my extra fabric and found this skirt that was a stretchy material and a different color pink on each side.   I was glad I held on to some of the things I was going to donate to goodwill...I knew some of those fabrics would come in handy some time.

Next I printed out the pdf pattern and cut out the paper pieces, pinned them to the pink fabric, and cut them out.

I followed the tutorial directions and began sewing.  At first a lot of the sewing was sewing the right-sides together for the front body, moving on to the head, stitching eyes, nose, and mouth with different colored thread, then attaching the head to the body.

Once everything was assembled, I turned the rabbit right-side out, filled it with poly-fill (stuffing), and began to hand-stitch up the back.

The tutorial called to use some pellets to fill the rabbit so it could sit upright, but I didn't have anything heavy to put in it.  I had to admit it looked a little strange without anything holding it up!


So I decided to make a fun little pink pouch with some leftover chevron print for the bunny to sit in to keep the rabbit from looking so plain.

I did get the report that the bunny got to ride in my niece's play car, and also accompanied them at the dinner table so although it looks a little home-made it sounds like Ceci liked it!

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