Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Week 13: Yes, Another Baby Quilt

So after me going on and on with how I made the baby quilts for family and friends in my Week 7 and Week 11 posts, I figured in this post I would post pictures I took along the way in making my friend Lisa's baby quilt that I finished this week.  Lisa told me she was going with a butterfly theme and using peaches, pinks, and golds in the baby's room, so I initially tried to find some pretty peach, gold, and ivory colored fabric for the quilt.  I quickly found that Jo-Ann's had pretty much zero fabrics with golds in them, so when I started looking through pastel colored fabric I was really happy to have found these two coordinating fabrics with butterflies in them:

And, there was even a 3rd fabric that went with these two in a different color.

I decided on the flowers and butterflies fabric for the back of the quilt and for one of the squares in the front and the fabric with just the butterflies on them for the border.   I was able to find some coordinating fabrics in some peach/corals, turquoise, and a light purple-grey fabric.

I love the way the fabric looks after it is cut and laid out!

Next I started laying out the square to get a good visual before I could get started sewing the pieces together:

After getting the front pieced together, the borders added, and the batting and backing put together, I laid out my binding strips to go around the edges.  In retrospect, I do wish I would have switched out the front squares coral pattern that was the same pattern as the green binding so there wasn't as much coral, but oh well.  As the saying goes, woulda, coulda, shoulda!  This is what the binding looks like before I sewed it together in one long strip then binded the quilt.

After everything was assembled I ironed the quilt, cut all the stray threads, and then took some pictures of course!

As I mentioned in my Week 12b post, I was even able to make a little headband with some of the scraps!

1 comment:

  1. I love this one - my favorite for sure! I have such a hard time coordinating fabrics and this is so beautiful! I'm a sucker for turquoise and pink. Definitely going to look up that tutorial for the quilt.
