Sunday, March 30, 2014

Week 12b: Baby Headbands

I thought to accompany the baby pacifiers, I would make some fun headbands for Lisa's baby girl.  I initially thought I would only use fabric scraps that I had, but I did find a 3 pack of colored elastic hairbands at the store for that were only $1, so I did end up buying those to use.

I started by cutting out 8 circles of the same type of fabric that were the same size, and a small square (to serve as the bottom of the flower): 

Then I folded each circle over 2 times, and used a glue gun to glue each one to the bottom square so there were 4 "petals".  I repeated it for a second layer and glued this layer so the sides of each petal fell in the middle of the first layer petal.  

I cut two smaller circles of some leftover pink tulle,  folded them over 1 time, and glued to the top. Then I topped off the flower by hot-gluing a button in the middle of the petal.  I also cut and re-glued the elastic headband to better fit a baby's head (15 inches instead of 16).  Here is what the first finished headband looked like! 

I created the next headband flower the same way, but made a fabric headband in a complementary material and sewed a 3 inch strip of elastic to each side of fabric so the headband would have a little give. 

For the last headband, I used one of the elastic headbands from the 3 pack, and I created felt flowers in the same manner as described in my Week 1 post.  I then glued the flowers to a piece of red felt, then cut the felt around the shape of the flowers and glued the flower bunch to the headband.  Now baby girl can have a red, white, and blue headband to wear for Memorial Day, 4th of July, or just for fun this summer! 

After I glued the flowers on, I did have an afterthought that it might have looked better if they were all in a row, but I guess I'll have to try that for someone else another time.  

Now my friend's baby will be styling with her new homemade things!

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