Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 3b: Upstairs Hallway Lighting Fixture Swap Out

I'm sure I initially noticed the 1960's or 1970's outdated lighting fixture that was in our upstairs hallway when we moved in, but had either ignored or forgotten about how terrible it looked in our house.

Yes, it really is that bad!

Once I repainted the upstairs hallway described here in my Week 2 post, I quickly realized that I wanted to replace that upstairs hallway lighting fixture.  My first thought was that I could use some silver Rub 'n Buff on the gold part similar to what I did for the lighting fixtures in the downstairs hallway this fall that were originally black to update them a little bit:

  The Rub 'n Buff worked really well with the amount of intricate details on the downstairs lighting fixtures, but I wasn't crazy about the glass part of the upstairs fixture enough to try to save the upper part, so I decided to get a more modern looking fixture.   Jake has been whining complaining commenting lately how he has been bored this winter so I put him to work to take down and install the new fixture.  I managed to snap a photo of him after I heard many loud noises/choice words illustrating his frustration at how much of a pain it was for him to do.

After we went back and forth regarding how to get it balanced from all angles, we stood back to admire how much better it looks than the other fixture!

I think Jake is happy there aren't any other lighting fixtures that I want to replace at the moment to give him a break!


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