Sunday, January 12, 2014

Introduction: My 2014 New Year's Resolution

It's interesting how the beginning of each year gets everyone thinking of one or more resolutions for the upcoming year. What is a resolution anyway? Well when I looked it up it was defined as “a firm decision to do or not do something”.  It seems like resolutions are or at least should be considered during all times of the year, and not just at the beginning of each year. How good are you at making or keeping resolutions? I have not been so successful in the past....surprise, surprise. One year my New Year's resolution was going to volunteer. In what, you ask? Well I got as far as looking up some options online but never actually signed up for any volunteer work.  I think every year I resolute to be healthier, whether that is to eat better, exercise more, drink less, etc.  This is something I really want (and need) to do this year but I am not making that be my “New Year's Resolution”- it needs to just be   a lifestyle change I make.     

After much thought, I decided I want a specifically attainable New Year's resolution.  Since we moved into a new house this fall, I have been really into doing projects around our house and have been sewing a lot more. I also love to do crafts and luckily with the help of Pinterest and watching youtube videos just about anyone, including someone as non-creative as me, can make just about anything themselves.  I also recently learned that one of my new friends I met in KC has a blog, which is mostly about her moving to KC a couple years ago and having/raising her son. I thought to myself...isn't it true that about anyone could blog? Maybe I can and should create a blog?!?! I personally don't think that my life is interesting enough to solely blog whatever diarrhea of the mouth I am have at a given moment, so I decided that this blog will be have weekly updates and will be about me completing some sort of craft, sewing, painting, or DIY project of the week. This will be a great way for me to not only get a haul on some of these DIY crafts/home improvements I “pinned” at some point over the past few years and have had every intention of doing but haven't gotten around to it, but it will also be a good way to document my newly found craftiness while getting to share some weekly insights/rants/raves about other random things going on in my life.   

So here's to 2014! And to me trying to actually keep a New Year's blog about at least 52 weekly craft/sewing/home improvement/DIY projects.  I hope you will either laugh with me at my failures or be impressed with my craftiness!


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