Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week 3a: Living Room Lighting Fixture Swap Out

One thing that I've wanted to change in our living room since we bought the house was the lighting fixtures.  Unfortunately our living room does not have any overhead lights and the current lighting fixtures only allow 60 watt bulbs.  Even when the dimmer lights are turned on as high as they go the lighting is still pretty terrible.  It did help brighten things up when I painted, but I still wasn't happy with how the room looked with the current lighting fixtures.  Here are a couple before and after pictures of the living room once I spent a good week repainting.



The after pictures were before we got some new furniture for the room, but as you can see the light fixtures had paper lampshades to them.  I wanted some wall scones that wouldn't look too out of place in the room or didn't look specifically like they should be in a bathroom.  I finally settled on these fixtures from Lowes that were less than $40 a piece:

Now at our house I am the painter and my husband usually wears the hat of electrician so he was kind enough to swap these out for me.  Here he is in action! 


They definitely give off more than enough light since they each take 100 watt bulbs!  We were happy we have them on a dimmer to adjust the lighting since the 100 watts for each one might seem too bright depending on what we are doing in the living room.  

Here are some pictures of them and our living room after getting some new furniture after installation: 

Now if I can only figure out what I want to do with that blank space above the couch I will be good to go with the living room!  I smell a weekly project coming up down the road with that one!  


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